There have been reports from the field about cylinder wear caused by the exhaust valve. To prevent cylinders from wearing and avoid the necessity of replacing cylinders due to exceeding the wear limit 0,25mm Rotax have introduced a cylinder protection plate ROTAX part no. 251336 to prevent excessive wear in this area.
The cylinder protection plate is not symmetric and can be installed in combination with the “old” conventional as well as with the “new” electronic RAVE system:
Please note that the steel plate has a life span of approx. 50 hours on new cylinders. However, the wear rate of the plate can vary when installing the plate on already worn cylinders. Service Centers must advise their customers to check if the plate is OK before every race.
Please note the steel plate is a wear & tear part and will not be covered under warranty.
There is a bulletin making the installation of the cylinder protection plate part no. 251336 optional. As soon as sufficient quantities of the cylinder protection plate are available the plate will be mandatory to use for the remainder season.